Lost Children Charity Anthology is the brainchild of Fiona (McDroll) Johnston, Thomas Pluck and Ron Earl Phillips.
It came about after a challenge was put out by Fiona on Friday Flash Fiction. She offered to donate £5 for every entry towards Scotland's Children 1st
Thomas then threw his hat into the ring and matched the donation, with his money going to PROTECT in the USA. All in all there were over 45 stories.
Then came the idea of using 30 of the best stories and putting them into this anthology. The great thing about this is that the money earned from the ebook goes to the above charities.
Many thanks to Fiona, Thomas, Ron and all the contributors. Also, special thanks to Danielle Tunstall for donating the cover photo, and Thomas' better half, Sarah, for designing the book cover.
Remember, you're donating to 2 great charities and getting to read some incredible stories that will stay with you long after
you read them
We Sustain
by MaryAnne Kolton
by MaryAnne Kolton
Tangled, dark
hair, long linen skirt, white shirt and oversized sunglasses, she stood out in
the crush of starving people. Another
international celebrity bringing an entourage of paparazzi, into the blistering desert sun. Hoping to get the rest of the world to pay
attention, however scant, to the scenes of death in Somalia .